Septic System Inspections

Septic System Inspections

An aerobic septic inspection is a comprehensive assessment of the aerobic treatment unit and its associated components in a home’s wastewater system. This evaluation ensures that the system is functioning optimally and adhering to local regulations. The process typically starts with a thorough examination of the tank, where initial wastewater treatment occurs. The inspector checks for signs of leaks, structural integrity, and any potential damage. Next, attention is directed towards the aerator and pump system, which are essential in providing the necessary oxygen levels for aerobic bacteria to effectively treat the wastewater. The distribution system, responsible for dispersing treated effluent to the drain field, is also scrutinized for any signs of clogs or blockages in pipes, and the condition of sprinkler heads or drip lines. Additionally, the inspector verifies the functionality of alarms and safety features, if present. Overall, an aerobic septic inspection offers homeowners vital insights into the condition of their wastewater treatment system, ensuring a healthy and environmentally responsible home environment.